Hello, ¡Hola!, Ciao, Namaste, nǐ hǎo, Dia dhuit, Kon’nichiwa, Alright our kid

You’ve probably fallen onto this page because:

You’ve nothing better to do and you’re curious as to what’s happening here.

You typed ‘Dick’ and ‘Unicorn’ into your search bar and now you’re frantically trying to delete your history.

You love all things pink, rainbow-y and quirk-esque and you like what you see.

Whatever your reason for landing here, a big fat WELCOME!

We are a shiny independent group of individuals who are passionate to hear about your goals and finish-line smiles. We are keen to champion a community of weekend warriors to podium placers. 

Your story is always interesting and we want to hear about it. Nothing is too big, too small, too short, or too tall. We have some exciting ideas for the future, but for now, we will gently grow and glow in the background. 

So why are we doing this? Well……..

Let’s be frank, life can get pretty tough.

One American study reports that 37% of endurance athletes suffer from mental illness. 37%! 

That could be Dave on the weekend group ride, or Yas in your morning swim session; or Sami who commented on your Strava feed. Its silent, it can be deadly and it’s not ok for us to ignore. We believe that everyone has a story, and we want to provide a support network for those who feel a need to reach out. 

We love seeing all you feisty unicorns having fun with your wide smiles. Some of you are seasoned racing snakes, but many of you are toe dipping into a new world of adventure. 

Experiences aside, it would be fair to say that we are all united by a need for that serotonin shot, that happy hormonal high that gently pulls us away from grey and temporarily jettisons us into full technicolor. 

We want to see those rainbow smiles, we want to hear about your fabulousness, we want to support your why. Let’s journey together, be kind, be awesome and KICK IT IN THE DICK

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